According to 255 article of the criminal code of Georgia the spreading and production of porn product is illegal. In spite of this law there are some spots in Tbilisi, where a person can find porn DVD-s with pornographic images on it. One of these spots is, so called, “Dry Bridge”, situated in the center of capital.
The outward sellers can’t remember the fact, if someone, civil rights advocate or police, charged them with illegal action. Among fifty sellers there are five men, selling the porn production. Today, on November 9, the students of GIPA surveyed some of them. The general feeling of these people was very aggressive towards the students. One of them said that he has not been a citizen of Georgia. “I have no idea what your law prohibits here. I buy this production here, in Georgia, in Lilo’s fair.” – He said. The other sellers confessed that this porno movies they receive from private persons, who download porn movies from internet; then they make copies and hand them to outward sellers. This is a simple mechanism of porno industry in Tbilisi. According to the sellers of this product, there is not a great demand on it. They sell thirty or thirty five DVD-s during a week. But in spite of this fact, they can’t discontinue to spread porn movies. The price is 5 Georgian lari.
One adult seller claims that they never sell it to under aged children. But it doesn’t coincide to the other seller’s words. He says, the customers, in most cases, are teenagers and he can’t lose a client because of his age. “I’m not his father to prohibit him buying pornography.” – said the young seller. As they say the youngest client is seven or eight-years-old boy and, in most cases, the demand is on lesbian porn videos.
The young lawyer Tamta Marjanishvili says, that according to Georgia’s criminal code these sellers and their providers should be judged and injailed for two years at least.
Photos by Lika Zakashvili
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