Unemployment is a major social problem for every generation in Tbilisi. According to them, high education is not the guarantee of high paid job.
Today, on November 3, a group of Gipa’s students, studding at the faculty of journalism and media management, inquired exactly sixty five persons on Rustaveli avenue and surrounding streets. The purpose of this research was to detect, what are the major problems of the public in their social, political and economic life.
This “researcher group” was consisted of thirteen students. Each of them inquired five persons - representatives of different social roles, status, age and sex. The oldest of them was seventy seven-years-old woman, called Tamara Dalakishvili. She is a charwoman and embarrassment is the greatest problem for her. Her monthly pension is eighty five lari and twenty lari is a weekly salary. “My husband is 82-years-old man, he’s invalid, but the government doesn’t pay him the disability pension.”- said Dalakishvili, “It’s imposible to support an ill man with 165 lari during the month, especially in winter.” Her mood is very nihilistic, but she hopes, the government would be changed – this is the only outlet, on her mind.
According to inquired people, the main problem is unemployment; also economic crisis and lost territories. The people up to thirty are jobless and the majority has a high education. One inquired young man, called Temuri (He didn’t say his last name), said that he is a lawyer and he had a job in the Ministry of Justice, but two years before he was dismissed. Since then he is a forty one-years-old jobless man. His opinion, how to avoid the problem of unemployment, coincides to Dalakishvilis’s point of view. “The president of Georgia should be removed.” – He said.
The other respondents said the same about the main problems of the society. Unemployment and economic crisis are the dominants. But in most cases the outlet is different for each of them.
The shop assistant of the, so called, “Second Hand” shop, is fifty one-years-old woman with high education. She has graduated from Tbilisi state university, faculty of Georgian literature. Because of her economic situation in her family, she is forced to work in the shop. She’s a widow. Her name is Rusudan Dekanoidze. God is the only hope for her. “I pray every day to save my motherland and my people.” – said Dekanoidze. She hopes the faith should save Georgia. But the young woman, trying to hide her identity, doesn’t agree with her. “God has forgotten this country.” She said, “I see no hope and the main problem is a sindrome of impunity.” She say neither name, nor her age. But she was young and according to her words, she is a doctor.
Lena Bakhtadze is a cashier in Rustaveli Theatre. She’s thirty three-years-old. She hasn’t different idea from the other inquired persons. “Unemployment is the invincible problem of our country.” – She said. On the question, how the public can solve it, she answers with smile - “We need to increase the level of our knowledge. This is the only way to save our society.”
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