Mostly, when the individual is depressed, he/she becomes disposition to the seclusion, but on the other hand, there emerges a request of the hearer. It could be everyone, even the stranger on the bus or in the market, but the perception of problem or advice are always different from each other.
The psychologist Ketevan Chigogidze considers, that today the index of depressive mood is very high in Georgia. It equals 80% of society. One of the major reasons can be the lack of psychologist’s service.
“The causes, bringing on depression, could be various.” - She says,
“In western megalopolises the greatest problem is loneliness, People, living in developed countries suffer from need of close affairs. And the culture of visiting psychologist is developed, while in developing countriesThat’s why they are accustomed to the psychologist’s service. In the developing countries people are more stressed with social problems and very often they attend to the psychologists, but in Georgia, there is no culture of psychological consultation.”
It’s very frequent to alternate psychologist with friends or priest in Georgia. Each individual is influenced with depression in different ways and the period of depressive disorder, as the results, could be very different, based on individual condition.
Lali Kupatadze, mother of 32-years-old lady, called Vika, claims that her daughter’s frequent relationship with her priest became dangerous for Vika’s labile psychics.
“My daughter has been prone to depression since childhood and I was forced to give her special medicines. During last year she increased the frequency of visiting her confessor and soon she diminished her affair with the psychologist.” - Lali Kupatadze says, “Some months later, her physical condition worsened. Later I guessed, the confessor had prohibited her to take pills… Also I discovered many priests consider that medicines, prescript by doctors, are dangerous for human’s morality.”
In the eighties of last century American psychology used to utilize, so called, pastoral therapy as method of treatment and it took benefit simultaneously with medicines, prescribed by doctor. This kind of therapy isn’t accepted in Georgia as method of treatment of depressive disorder, more, it’s demarcated from the psychology.
One of the clerics, preferring remain anonymous, claims, that depression isn’t a physical state.
“Depression isn’t physical state or stressed condition of mind. It’s a state of soul, desperate and abandoned.” – He says, “Psychologist, refusing truth, isn’t able to help someone, also parted from God and the drugs are harmful for patient. Of course, there is exception among the psychologists, but everyone should to collaborate with the patient’s confessor and every person ought to have his/her own confessor.”
Nazi Kubaneishvili, the doctor of psychiatric sciences, maintains that every depressed person has to pass a treatment under the psychiatrists’ surveillance.
She considers, one of the most approved and safe method of treatment is a course with tranquilizers. The side effects of these drugs depend on dosage that should be determined on an individual basis. But every treatment method connects with the person’s psychological structure.
Therapy, such as art, grouping and working is very common method of treatment in the modern psychology, but the most effective one is a working therapy, which isn’t developed in Georgia. It regards to make patients more active and helps them to realize, that they are needed for the society.
According to study, conducted by Dimitri Uznadze’s Institute of Psychology in 2009, 75.3% out of 430 respondents say that they trust church. 78.8% prefer individual therapy, 16.9% favour art therapy and only 4.1% approve grouping therapy in Georgia.
Another barrier of the development of psychological service is a sense of clumsiness among the users because of psychologist’s help. And, as usual, they hide it from others. That’s why 78.8% prefer individual therapy, same as private consultation with the psychologist.
“Sometimes most of them can’t trust us. That’s why they prefer friends as the hearers.” – says Ketevan Chigogidze.
Anastasia is an artist. Today it’s not difficult to find her in her workshop on Ingorokhva’s street. It’s airless room with narrow windows, but Anastasia likes it. Fourteen months before, she couldn’t stand this place. She was indifferent to everything. Only eight months later, after trying to commit suicide, she addressed to the psychologist. The course of art therapy had been very helpful for her.
Working on her last picture, called “Yellow Forest”, she says smiling:
“Depression is a virus, which could be ignored by your wish, but if you can’t find it in your mind, another person could help you. Now my psychologist is my best friend and she helped me at the right time.”
P.S. This is Sigmund Freud's room on the image.