It's not a story about Milorad Pavich's novel. This is a small report about medical research.
A very big part of society suffers with insomnia. The topic, called “Eight Biggest Night Stealers” is about eight major factors that cause it. .
The 1st is so called work stress that comes in many forms. Usually it is characterized for people with daily routine.
The 2nd one is a strong emotion that involves tossing and turning all night. Sometimes it can lead us to depression.
The 3rd is so called “Not Enough Time”. The psychiatrist Jason Henry says, that when people think, they have too much to do, but have too little time to accomplish it, they secret adrenaline that puts obstacle in somebody’s sleep.
The 4th one is very strange argument indeed. It is to invite guests in midnight. Maybe this point is about people, loving bohemian life.
The 5th is a temperature in the sleeping room. Sometimes high temperature makes a person restless.
The 6th is sugar and caffeine. It’s said in the topic, that sweet coffee and even tea disrupt human’s sleep.
The 7th is an alcohol.
And at lasts, the 8th one is irregular biorhythm. Mostly this point is for the young mothers. The irregular sleep hours are very dangerous for our health and also memory.
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