Every society has its superstitions as a system of believes, descended by ancestors. For one look, it seems all of them have mystical definition, but indeed superstition is an element of folklore.
In Georgia people believe in many strange things. Mostly superstitions, scattered in Georgia are connected with fear of death, love, hate, money, marriage, ghosts and etc. There are things, which can be considered as an object of superstitions in many nations: just take salt or black cat. It’s not easy to find society without superstition associated with salt or cat.
In Georgia people believe, if the black cat crosses your way, that day would be wretched for you, but for British people this is a sign of happiness. In fact this superstition connects with an ancient pagan believe – cat as an incarnation of goddess. But after adoption of Christianity this animal has lost its icon. As for ill-fated date, Georgians consider that a person with unlucky life and bad characteristic can damage your own energy. That’s why Georgians are accustomed to blame others in their crash. The latest usually associates with money. It’s very familiar habit to scratch left palm and kiss it, which means soon you’ll get money. But if right palm is itches, you would lose something. Another superstition about poorness is to clean bread crumbs from the table with hand.
According to the old superstition, when man talks about unpleasant things, he should knock on the wood three times and spit out, to avoid something bad. It’s not only Georgian custom to knock on the wood to stay away from dangerous. It’s said, that this voice terrifies devils, reminding them about crucifixion of Jesus.
The whistling also has very strange and mystical definition. Every Georgian child can remember how parents used to prohibit them whistle in the house. “It brings poorness in family” they were telling them. But old people claim that whistling in the house is discouraging behavior. According to the oldest Georgian and Russian superstition, whistle can call up the demons.
Many mysterious and unpleasant things are connected with mirror. It’s considered, if the mirror had been broken, someone would certainly die in the family. Mirror is important thing even after someone’s death. It’s approved to cover mirrors with white bad sheet till funerals to preserve house from the ghost. It’s said, spirit can dwell in the mirror. This superstition became tradition in Georgia.

Salt is also very familiar object for the superstitious people. If the salt spread on the table, someone should pour water on it to avoid conflict in the family. Salt can also define unmarried girls’ fate. This superstition has progressed to a ritual in Georgia. In the last week of February unmarried girls bake the salty cookie with 100 gr. flour, 100 gr. salt and water. In the midnight they stand on the cross-road, eat this cookie and go to bed. According to the old superstition, those who have done this ritual could meet with their future husband in their dreams.
It can be listed a lot of superstitions, spread in Georgia, such as telling nightmares to the water, lucky date, gingers and etc. Some people think that superstition is a holy foolishness, but for someone it could be the most important phenomena in the world.